Still Point - the first school of osteopathy in Armenia
We teach everyone from scratch:
there is no need for special education and training.
Natalia Ermachenko
director of the School of Osteopathy
Osteopath, graduate of the European School of Osteopathy (UK)
Neurophysiologist, Candidate of Sciences (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation)
Osteopathy Teacher (Institute of Osteopathy and Vitality Psychology, Balance International Training Center, Still Point School of Osteopathy)
Instructor and author of a book on kinesiotaping (Bbalance)
Our school provides various learning formats
You can take a separate seminar or a short course, and you can take a four-year training program from the European School of Osteopathy and get a British Bachelor's degree in Osteopathy, which gives you the opportunity to work in Europe and the UK.
This is the finest mechanical tuning of the human body as a musical instrument. The possibilities of osteopathy are huge.
Introduction to  Osteopathy
Working as an osteopath, you will be able to return the joy of movement and life to people. This is a grateful, fascinating, profitable and very necessary work.
Training in osteopathy
and  kinesiotaping
и кинезио-
Pain in the back and neck, recovery after operations and injuries, any symptoms that the doctor "didn't find anything" for, but they bother you — this is what how we can help.
Osteopathy sessions
News and current events
Osteopathic techniques for your face: MATs and taping
Our last introductory master class in the outgoing year
«Hands remember» , the musicians say
14 января, 11:00 - 15:00 , ул. Агаронян, 2/10
Этот семинар не столько для ваших клиентов, сколько для вас самих :) Мы будем работать с собственным лицом: уже на семинаре сделаем его свежее и моложе. А с собой вы унесёте 20-и минутный протокол работы, повторяя который каждый день в течение двух недель получите стойкий результат
Articulation techniques on joints
The techniques are similar to the exercises that we do to "get excited", only they are performed not on ourselves, but on another person. Like and all osteopathic techniques, articulations contain a lot of subtleties
Anyone who has studied music at least a little knows that there is a gap between the ability to play the notes correctly and the ability to cause smiles and tears with music. The notes are the same and the same, the difference is huge.
The same with taijiquan, dance, osteopathy, many wonderful things. For a long time you have been teaching where the toe of which foot is turned, how the body weight is distributed, where the finger is and what it does there.
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