The European School of Osteopathy
Still Point и ESO
The European School of Osteopathy (ESO) is the world standard of osteopathic education. The school trains highly qualified specialists, many of whom work in Europe and the UK. The school's teachers are legendary osteopaths, whose seminars are attended by people from all over the world. The ESO program complies with the European standard of osteopathic education OSEAN.

Still Point School is ESO official partner in Armenia. With us you can undergo training under the ESO teachers’ guidance and, at the end of a four-year course, receive a full-fledged British bachelor's degree in osteopathy.

The ESO diploma is a guarantee of the quality of osteopathic education. With an ESO diploma you can work in Armenia as well as in most European countries.

The structure of the course allows you to attend classes without being permanently in Armenia. Every year ESO conducts 5 intensive face-to-face seminars 7 days each. The course includes clinical practice with an ESO tutor. Final seminar of each year contains the year exam. During the fourth year, students write and present a qualifying paper. Summer intensive courses in the UK are available for interested students.

ESO accepts everyone for training. If you are a doctor, massage therapist or coach and are familiar with human anatomy and physiology to a varying degree, it will be easier for you to master the theoretical part of the course, that is partially conducted online. At the same time, no special preparation is required: ESO accepts everyone, regardless of education and experience. An opportunity to practice between seminars is essential for the course. For those who live in Yerevan or may visit it often, Still Point provides the opportunity to work on its client base and with Still Point osteopaths’ supervision, who are all ESO graduates.

ESO teachers speak English, and there is an interpreter present during classes (Russian or Armenian depending on the needs of the group). You can always focus either on direct communication in English or on communication through an interpreter.

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